thoughts from a poets point of feel

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thoughts from a poets point of feel


~Beauty of Love pt1~~

Beauty of love only in my dreams you had some trouble with lust but

I was always there to help heal your heart , but you never belong just me
As I wrote for hours, days,years and wound up at your hearts door you had
Me so many times but somehow you never knew it that's why I write more

Cause I don't mind Love spending everyday writing out in the pouring rain
As I reciting to love's broken heart as she smile as I whisper if she wants to
stay awhile and I'll recite my love ,

So touch my chest rub on my heart as I recite words that will make you feel
The beauty I feel inside , I know you tend to get insecure but It doesn't matter
Anymore cause It's not always rainbows after it rain , so let my thoughts help you
Move on , cause my heart will always be full and my thoughts always open so you
can come in my dreams and notebook anytime you want

Cause I don't mind spending all my days walking around taken photo's or writing in
the middle of the night & reciting to those with a broken heart,

& you don't have to hide anymore , cause your not alone anymore , I Know
And feel all of the things that make you who and I know words without action
Means nothing at all , so walk with me as I recite and my poetic thoughts catch
You every time you falls , so hold my hand enter my thoughts as I make you feel
beauty I recite for deep down inside

I'll hold you in and out my dreams as my thoughts fill the back round ,
As i recite softly cause I don't mind spending every dream with you in
My arms


~At Night I Write pt2~

At night I write & sometimes my mind wonder & reminisce About the look in your eyes when I'm reciting beside you There's a feeling burning deep inside cause there's so many poems/quotes Just in memory ,do you think of me when you hear my poetry ?

Cause I always reminisce when I write & think of you especially with the Words that I write hopping they touch every heart & soul cause There have be lonely nights ,as my thoughts often wondered the night Touching the heart of someone new just to Say love ,love's you

So you don't have to wonder, if a poets heart could be you loving you Two hearts in perfect harmony as I count the hours until that day as My heart and soul plays A melody for you and I Until the moment We lock eyes and you gave your love to me , you're the one ,I Care for The one, that I will wait for ,the one I write ur eyes when I'm reciting beside you There's a feeling burning deep inside cause there's so many poems/quotes Just in memory ,do you think of me when you hear my poetry ?

Cause I always reminisce when I write & think of you especially with the Words that I write hopping they touch every heart & soul cause There have be lonely nights ,as my thoughts often wondered the night Touching the heart of someone new just to Say love ,love's you

So you don't have to wonder, if a poets heart could be you loving you Two hearts in perfect harmony as I count the hours until that day as My heart and soul plays A melody for you and I Until the moment We lock eyes and you gave your love to me , you're the one ,I Care for The one, that I will wait for ,the one I write & recite for ,

You're my desire you take me higher past the clouds cause my love and Thoughts is like a river running so deep, I always stop and recite to you especially when I reminisce at night ,as my thoughts touch The very heart of my readers


(I Am)~*~ I am a man, a friend, a young boy, a grown man. I am confident and unsure, I am shy and friendly, I am careful and carefree. I am broken and whole. I am hard working and determined, but a little scared on the inside. I wish on stars, and dream my dreams. I pray to fate and I cry. I believe in happily ever after. I love you, and I'll push you away. I am everything and nothing all at once... ~*~ Living, Loving, Laughing In The, US



he searched the world for someone to understand him.
he searched their thoughts for them to understand him.
he searched their love for them to understand him.
he searched and searched but found no one to understand he.

he gave his love to few in hope of happiness.
he gave his purity in hope of happiness.
he gave his talents in hope of happiness.
he gave and gave but found no happiness.

His voice was as a melodious bird.
His dance was like an African King.
His poetry was inscribed forever on hearts.
he sang, danced, and wrote, but she seemed untalented.

he wore the necklace of ambition.
he wore the ring of pride.
he wore the robe of creativity.
he wore ambition, pride, and creativity yet remained naked.

Searching man of all time.
Giving man, living life selflessly.
Talented man in all his creativity.
Who will fall in love with him?
Will you fall in love with him?
by feel me

**Dear Love*** So many things I've got to write to you But I'm afraid I don't know how Cause there's a possibility You'll look at me in a differently way But Love..!!.. Ever since the first moment I spoke or wrote your name From then on I knew that by you being in my life&Poetry Things were destined to change cause So many people use your name in vain Love..

Many days I've Wrote to you Wanting you Hoping for the chance to Tell you Longing for your Voice For your kiss, for your touch, for your essence (your beautiful essence) Many nights I've cried When i Wrote Cause of what you do Felt like I could die&Stop Writing from the thought of losing you I know that your real With no doubt or no fears or Lies Or no questions

At first When I Wrote To You. you didn't mean that much to me But now I know When I Write that you're all I need The world looks so brand new to me Now that I found love Everyday I Write for you And everything that I Write I do it for you What I say&Write is how I feel so believe it's true You got to know I'm true, love
